Move to the beat
ROAR® is a seriously fun 45 minute movement-to-music class for kids ages 7-12. This high energy program mixes up beat-driven movement to the coolest & most popular hip hop and pop tracks on the radio! Expect to shake it off like Taylor & turn it up like Bieber.
Low complexity
Medium intensity
Kids popular music
The Principles
Confidence & Self-esteem
When a song turns on from Selena Gomez that everyone knows, something magical happens to the minds of kids. They begin to express their true selves, the group of children come together through a common interest and their confidence soars when they can achieve the moves. Roar builds confidence and self-esteem by putting kids in situations where they can master the moves through easy steps, enjoy the music (as they know & love the songs) & be their true selves (because usually this music is what they are listening to at home or seeing on social media)Equality
As kids reach the 7-12 age bracket, differences in ability, skill and personality become more apparent. Commitment and interest level often go along with ability, which is why Roar is created to appeal to all kids at all levels & abilities. The movements are simplistic enough for everyone to achieve so there is a feeling of accomplishment among the kids. There is less comparison, less absentees and less judgement when the delivery, music & movement is created to appeal to everyone.Body Conditioning
Roar provides kids with the opportunity to develop fine & gross motor skills, balance, coordination, spatial awareness, cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility & muscle tone. Dance & movement-to-music almost disguises physical activity as the class is just so fun! Fewer than 1 in 5 kids get the recommended amount of physical activity per day. The best way to combat this is providing more opportunities and choices for kids to get active.Socialisation
Roar gives kids the opportunity to connect, laugh, smile, chat & be silly with each other. It helps remove anxiety, nerves & fears through relatable music, easy-to-manage movement & relaxed welcoming delivery by the instructor. Roar also includes specific activities to help with socialisation & get the participants building strong, trusting & positive relationships.Language
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to remember your favourite song lyrics? Why? Because music is a powerful sticking agent. Roar uses music to encourage word recognition & an understanding of sequence, rhyme & tone. This helps kids build their language & articulation skills without feeling like they are learning at all!Mindfulness
While Roar is a high energy program we purposely balance this with calmness, quietness, peacefulness & whole body listening. For example, in “Meditation’ we may get the kids to breathe in and out as big as they possibly can to teach what breathing feels like. Teaching mindfulness helps us equip our kids with tools they can use when life throws them challenges or stressful situations.
Watch a full ROAR class
“Roar is the perfect addition to our school fitness program. The kids are engaged the entire time & it's the highlight of their week”
Michaela Di Bortolli

Want to teach ROAR?
Do you have a passion for working with kids?
Our Instructor Training is 100% online & allows you to become a certified ROAR instructor with access to all choreography, lesson plans, music & resources. The instructor certification is AUD $249 + AUD $28.48 per month (discounted if you teach more than one Jungle Body program) to recieve all resources, videos & marketing content. Learn more here.
ROAR Instructors will receive:
- 8 Choreographed routines each month + song choices
- 24/7 technical support and access to the instructor forum
- Discounts on clothing, merchandise and events
- Access to hundreds of past choreographed routines
- Marketing & Advertising resource library