
The Jungle Body Club

Is your business tax ready?

Tax time is daunting so now is the time to start preparing all your documents and details for a nice and easy EOFY. A small business is just as important as a large company and now is the time to kick it into gear!

  1.  Keep your financial records organized: Gather and store all business-related documents in one place for easy access during tax season.
  2. Separate personal and business expenses: Maintain a separate bank account solely for business transactions to simplify tracking income and expenses.
  3. Track deductible expenses: Know which business expenses can be deducted, like office supplies or travel costs, and maintain a record of them throughout the year.
  4. Understand your tax obligations: Educate yourself on the specific tax requirements for your industry and seek professional advice if needed.
  5. Plan for tax payments: Calculate and set aside funds in advance to cover your estimated tax payments throughout the year, avoiding last-minute financial strain.
  6. Now is the time to buy: Grab that speaker upgrade, new shoes, anything that is business related that you can claim on!
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